Japan Festival in Michigan
Please enjoy with the Song of "Japanese Maple".
”Dream Autumn Dreams”
English words by Greg Irwin
Dream Autumn dreams at sundown
When red maple leaves are gleaming bright
Leaves of all colors drifting
Filling the forest with delight
Whispering pines will stay green
With wandering Ivy turning red
Shining in mountain moonlight
Dream Autumn dreams tonight
Dream Autumn dreams at sunrise
There by the valley’s clear, blue stream
Leaves floating up and over
The loveliest sight you’ve ever seen
Colors of Autumn rainbows
Cover the stream like a tapestry
One last good-bye, then off they go
Dream Autumn dreams with me
Come, dream Autumn dreams with me.
作詞:高野辰之 作曲:岡野貞一
秋の夕日に 照る山紅葉
濃いも薄いも 数ある中に
松をいろどる 楓や蔦は
山のふもとの 裾模様
渓(たに)の流れに 散り浮く紅葉
波にゆられて 離れて寄って
赤や黄色の 色さまざまに
水の上にも 織る錦