
I was requested to design the calligraph for the engraving on the rock. The client had a poem (Tanka/短歌) in Japanese, which his Japanese friend gave him as a present. The translation of this tanka says: As the deer panteth for the water. So my soul longeth after you.

I thought this tanka poem was beautiful.

First, I learned about his requests and preference which he preferred "cursive style calligraphy", then I proposed some patterns of ideas.

I had mainly those three ideas:

1) Design cursive style such as rhythmic flow of water. It looked calm and peaceful. It is also connected to the meaning of the poem.

2) However I do not want to use super-cursive style. I want anybody of Japanese can read at least. Sometimes, it's hard to read the super cursive style even though Japanese. The people will appreciate it more when many can read it. 

3) Margins. I also suggested where engraving goes on the stone canvas. The allocation and balance of the size of calligraphy vs. margins are quite important in how it looks.

After some conversations, he liked my proposal, chose the final design. then I sent the original calligraphy to him to use as tracing for stonecutter.

After months, he sent me the picture of the completion of the engraved rock. He had to wait for the stonecutter. I am very impressed with his work. It was accurate to copy and engrave based on my draft, even he does not know how to read Japanese - I assume. It was such nice teamwork I guess! Also, I am very happy with any work that has some 'story' and to make clients be happy! I am very happy to work on this project. The client has a beautiful Japanese garden and I admire and appreciate his passion for maintaining his beautiful landscape! 

インデイアナ州に住むかたから、石碑に刻む書道の文字を作って欲しいというリクエストをうけました。刻みたいという文章は 「谷川に水を慕いし 鹿ごとく 我が魂も御身を求む」[谷川の流れを慕う鹿のように主よわがたましいあなたを慕う]という聖書の一説で、とても素敵だと思いました。草書体が好きというその方のリクエストでしたので、仮名ちらしで書き、早速いくつかのデザインを提案しました。心がけたことは、日本人でさえ読みにくい崩し文字や変体仮名をつかわないこと。ご依頼主はアメリカのかたですが、もしだれか日本の人に見せたときに、日本人さえも読めない字にしてしまい「読めない」と言われてしまっては、そのかたががっかりしてしまうだろう、、と思ったからです。そのため、できるだけ現代の日本人でも読みやすい、しかし短歌の意味に合わせて、流れるような優しい文字を書こう、と考えました。

何度かやりとりをし、最終のデザインを決定し、オリジナル原稿を郵送しました。 数ヶ月後、彫刻師が掘って完成した写真を送ってくださいました。私の書にとても忠実に精巧に彫られ完成しているのを拝見して、アメリカにもこのような仕事師がいるんだとなと感心しました。日本語を知らない人が彫るとどうなるのかかなり不安でしたが、驚きました。


Kyoka Japanese Calligraphy Design

Japanese Calligraphy Design Art Studio in US


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